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Home > Digital Library > Board of Directors Meeting Minutes > 2010 Board Meeting Minutes > Board Meeting Minutes - October, 2010

Board Meeting Minutes - October, 2010

Minutes - Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
DVCC Members present: 27. Pledge of Allegiance made; meeting called to order at 9:10 a.m.
Roll Call: Present: Tana Ullmann, Jim Cook, Gene Espey, Judy Ford, Doris Gruner, Steve Holleque, Dan Hudson, Janet Massey, Linda Roujon, Hugh Rush, Patty Thorpe and Red Westall. Excused: Frances Skaggs and Gordon Watson.
Approval of Minutes: Janet Massey moved to approve the minutes of the 9/14/10 Board meeting. Red Westall seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer's Report: No questions on the report. Mr. Espey will post same on bulletin board.
Administrative Services Manager's Report: Charles Dubbs. Office is preparing for annual mailing with approx. 6000 envelopes. Maricopa County records have been searched by section to verify ownership of properties. Document prep for sales and foreclosures continues.
Winter residents are returning. Activity level in the office and DVCC facilities is increasing, as expected. Reminder to residents: Maricopa County has been very active in enforcing codes re properly parked RV's and trailers, as well as yards being free of weeds. Thirty-nine complaints in the Complaint report have been issued violation notices by Maricopa County.
President's Report: Tana Ullmann informed us that the steel doors being installed at Read Hall should be completed in approx. 15 days. Please continue to be patient.
We will keep you apprised of the penalties for vandals re the break-in as we hear of them.
There was a complaint of children running and generally misbehaving during a cribbage game at night in DVCC. People there said the adults entered with a Kee card but were not recognized by anyone. In any similar instance, we are asked to call the sheriff or contact President Ullmann.
Board member Maddy Leckey submitted her resignation due to health issues. Linda Roujon moved to accept the resignation and Janet Massey seconded. Motion passed.
Standing Committee Reports:
Maintenance: Steve Holleque reports a lot of activity over summer months. Report is lengthy and is on file. Maintenance crew does an excellent job. If you see something that impresses you, give them a compliment! Go and check out the floor in Farnsworth Hall. Was sanded and refinished. Looks brand new.
Pool Committee: No news at this time.
Membership Committee: Nancy Cole will have a report next month.
Complaints: (Charles Dubbs reporting in Gordon Watson's absence.) Out of 38 door hanger complaints, 27 have been resolved. Detailed report on file.
Entertainment: DVCC is looking for an individual to be in charge. An article appeared in the Citizen to this effect. Will keep you posted.
Library: Janet Massey reported total volunteer hours in September were 70, number of members was 124, books checked out were 485 and total librarian hours 41. Report on file.
The Library is busy preparing for the annual book sale on Saturday, November 13th from 8:00 - 2:00 at Farnsworth. Many donations have been received. Selection will be excellent. Come out with friends and family and support them. Monies raised will be used for a patio cover for the front library entrance.
Hobbies, Crafts, Indoor Activities: Hugh Rush reported some discouragement due to attendance being down, especially at coffee socials. It's felt that attendance will improve with return of winter residents.
Outdoor Recreation: George Sheppard reports Pickle Ball is "alive and well" at the Farnsworth location. There's some interest in turning the Read Hall croquet space into a second Pickle Ball Court. Due to returning residents who use the croquet space, this will be thoroughly researched. Jim Cook made a motion to table this issue for further discussion. Patty Thorpe seconded. Motion passed.
Kitchen Committee: George Sheppard reminded us that No One may use the kitchen refrigerator for personal use, which would violate our kitchen privileges
Food Handlers who need their license renewed and wish to continue volunteering in the kitchen should plan to take the test at Sunland Village on October 29th.
Nature Walk: Red Westall reports the nature trail is in good shape, with just a few trees to clean up and gravel to sweep off sidewalks. He will organize a clean-up day in November, when the weather is cooler.
Welcoming Committee: Hazel Dubbs: A meeting is set to welcome new residents on Thursday evening at Read Hall. Fifty invitations were mailed. She presented us with the new Welcome to DVCC booklet, which they will receive, along with a phone directory and Rural Metro Fire Dept. packet. The new book is excellent. Caution was made re including all trash collection companies, not just one. Good job! Report is on file.
Long Range Planning & Website Committees: Reports will be made in November.
Ad Hoc Committee Reports:
50th Anniversary Committee: Judy Ford: The entire week in February is full of activities. February 14th will be a dinner dance. More information re dates and times to follow.
Don't forget to look at the quilt in the office and buy raffle tickets. Drawing will be held on February 19th at the Banquet.
Nominating Committee: Nancy Cole asked for names of people interested in running for the Board. Call Nancy if you know of someone. Encourage your neighbors and friends.
Old Business:
Shuffleboard Paint Removal: George Sheppard reports this iscomplete.
Pickle Ball: As previously reported, Pickle Ball is becoming more popular.
Part-Time Bookkeeper: This position was approved by the Board last October and originally slotted to report to the Administrative Services Manager. It is now felt more appropriate for this person to report directly to the Treasurer. Gene Espey moved to modify the PT Bookkeeper position job description to indicate this individual now reports to the Treasurer. Jim Cook seconded. Motion passed.
New Business:
Revised Personnel Policy on Nepotism: Board had a lengthy discussion re the revised policies. Jim Cook moved to adopt the modified Personnel Policies and Procedures titled "Employment of Relatives" and "Recruitment" as proposed. Dan Hudson seconded. Motion passed.
Art Dept. Open to Non-Members/Residents: Alicia Cook sent a letter requesting the Art Department open to non-residents. This matter came up before the Board 18 months ago. Our attorney recommended that we could not do this and therefore request must be denied.
Jam Sessions: A gentleman visited us this morning who would like to bring his musical group to Farnsworth for entertainment and sing-along events with mostly bluegrass-type music. He led us in singing "You Are My Sunshine". A business card was left with President Ullmann. More information to follow as the Entertainment position is filled, etc.
Employee Health Insurance: Gene Espey reports that since none of the DVCC employees take advantage of this benefit, he recommends it be removed. Motion made by Mr. Espey and seconded by Jim Cook. Motion passed.
Christmas Decoration Contest: It was generally felt that we should again implement this contest for DV residents to promote community feeling. Someone needs to be in charge. Call the office if interested.
Other New Business:
Janet Massey explained there are people with disabilities who use the pools and perhaps DVCC needs to install a lift chair at one of the pools. After discussion, prices need to be researched, along with our liabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act. More information at November meeting.
Next Pancake Breakfast is on October 16th, 7-9:30, Farnsworth Hall.
Food Handlers Exam: October 29th at Sunland Village.
Veterans Day: Morning Program. And - Spaghetti Dinner from 4-6:00. Spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread for $5. Tickets at the door.
Sock Hop: Friday, November 19th - 7:00 - 9:30 (Free for residents.)
The Meeting was adjourned approximately 10:40 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Linda Roujon, Assistant Secretary


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