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Home > Digital Library > Board of Directors Meeting Minutes > 2010 Board Meeting Minutes > Board Meeting Minutes - November, 2010

Board Meeting Minutes - November, 2010

52 Members present. Pledge of Allegiance made. Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Cook, Gene Espey, Judy Ford, Doris Gruner, Steve Holleque, Dan Hudson, Linda Roujon, Hugh Rush, Frances Skaggs, Patty Thorpe, Gordon Watson and Red Westall. Tana Ullmann and Janet Massey are excused.
Approval of Minutes: Jim Cook had two corrections to the 10/12 minutes. Part-Time Bookkeeper should be under new business. Employee health insurance should read, "recommends it be suspended pending national health care regulations". Motion made by Gene Espey to accept corrected minutes, Patty Thorpe seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer's Report: No questions. Will be posted on bulletin board.
Admin. Services Manager's Report: Report on file.
President's Report: Dan Hudson, VP, reporting for Tana Ullmann. Read Hall doors have been replaced; one has to be redone. All minor repairs should be complete within 7-10 days. Minor vandalism reported at Farnsworth last week. Recommended we as a community be on the lookout and call 9-1-1 for any suspicious activity.
Maintenance and Pool Committee: Reports on file. Reminder to sign in for all activities!
Membership: Nancy Cole reports membership invoices will be mailed as last year. Members can mail payments or bring to the office.
Complaints: Report on file.
Entertainment: Harry Cole reminds us of Veterans' Day program Thursday, 11/11 at 8:00 a.m. Spaghetti dinner that day from 4-6:00 p.m.-- Fundraiser for 50th anniv. Celebration
Library: Report on file. Reminder of book sale this Saturday from 8-2. Need your support!
Hobbies, Crafts, etc.: Hugh Rush reports arts & crafts sale a success. Sing-Along will start this Sunday at 7:00 p.m. Read Hall.
Outdoor Recreation: George Sheppard reports Pickle Ball continues to grow in popularity.
Nature Walk: Red Westall reports clean-up needed on north and south side of University Drive from Higley Road to 56th Street. Weeds are a problem. County says they are not available to help. Members are encouraged to call the County with concerns. Phone number will be posted on bulletin board. Suggestion was made to contact a Boy Scout troop for help as a project.
Welcoming Committee: Report on file. 19 new residents attended orientation last month. Next orientation will be in January.
Long Range Planning: Dennis Zurbay requests Board let the committee know what is expected from them. Lengthy report is on file.
50TH Anniversary Committee: Judy Ford reports all is well and a raffle table is being set up at all events for fundraising!
Nominating Committee: Nancy Cole reports they continue to try to find and encourage people. They have not had much success thus far. Call Nancy with candidate name suggestions.
Pool Chair Lift: Janet Massey is absent and therefore, no report is made.
Christmas Decoration Contest: Barbara Miller informed us there is a sign-up sheet in the office. Three categories will be determined and a prize of $50 awarded to each, i.e., total prize monies of $150. Barbara has agreed to be the chairman. Motion made to grant monies for prizes by Linda Roujon and seconded by Frances Skaggs. Motion Passed.
Door Replacement: In the absence of Tana Ullmann, no report is made.
Jam Sessions: Nydia Pobran spoke to the board on behalf of a committee for Jam Sessions at Farnsworth Hall. Requested is one Friday per month from 1-3 p.m. Sessions feature guest musicians and dancing. Requested only operation of sound system and a coffee urn. Committee is willing to set up chairs and clean up as necessary. If successful, may consider two Fridays per month. Motion made by Red Westall to accept proposal and seconded by Linda Roujon. Motion Passed.
Pickle Ball/Croquet: George Sheppard looking into possibility of additional pickle ball courts at Farnsworth, where the horseshoe courts are. Would need concrete surface. Concerns voiced re a surface more user friendly to absorb shock and prevent injuries. Will look into this.
Dues for 2011: Gene Espey made a motion that dues NOT be increased for 2011. Gordon Watson seconded this. Discussion followed. Frances Skaggs made a Motion to modify prior Motion and raise our dues $5 per member. Jim Cook seconded. Motion Passed.
DVCC Website: Patty Thorpe reported the Long Range Planning Committee found via survey a need for better communication in the Villa. 80% of residents have a computer. Website and website committee are needed. Ray Lee can continue work on our website on a part time basis. His wife, Linda Lee, will be on the committee. A sign-up sheet will be in the office.
Farnsworth Hall Rental: A proposal was made to the Board for rental on 10/15/11 for a wedding reception. No alcohol will be served. Red Westall made a motion to accept rental and Judy Ford seconded. Motion Passed.
Veterans Day Program - 8:00 a.m. - Thursday Nov. 11th @ Farnsworth.
Spaghetti Dinner - 4-6:00 p.m. - Thursday Nov. 11th - $5 @ Farnsworth.
Book Sale - 8am -2:00 p.m. Farnsworth - Saturday November 13th.
Sock Hop - November 19th @ Farnsworth - 7-10:00 p.m. FREE!
Pancake Breakfast - Nov. 20th @ Farnsworth - 7-9:30 a.m.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Roujon, Secretary

Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
