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Home > Facilities > Farnsworth Hall Complex > Renaming Farnsworth Hall

Renaming Farnsworth Hall

Board to discuss suggestions at Oct. 7, 2014 Study Session

A comment from the President, Patty Thorpe (August, 2014)

I would like to address the reasons why the Board decided to change the name of Farnsworth Hall. The Board felt that due to the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Ross Farnsworth had passed and the Farnsworth children seemed not to care in continuing keeping the golf course as a part of Dreamland Villa Community Club and were willing to change the golf course into a crowded community of homes with families with children right in the middle of a 55 year and older club, that perhaps it was time to change the name of Farnsworth Hall. Ross Farnsworth chose the name of Dreamland Villa Community Club so we honor in keeping alive Ross’s dream for this community. His children have not! This is why we felt that the name of Farnsworth Hall should be changed while keeping the Dreamland Villa Community Club retained in a new name.

I do feel that perhaps the Board, and I as President, did not take into consideration that some members of the club may have had strong feelings regarding this change. For that I apologize. I will discuss this with the Board in October.

In the June Citizen it was suggested that if anyone wanted to suggest a different name other than what was suggested in the article, they could go to the office, pick up a form and submit their idea by July 1st. The Board will discuss any suggestions you may have at the October 7, 2014, Study Session. No decision will be made at this time.

Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
