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Home > Clubs & Activities > Outdoor Games and Activities > Dreamland Villa Hiking Group > 2015-2016 Hiking Season Photos

2015-2016 Hiking Season Photos

Hiking Group on November 19, 2015
Hiking Group on November 19, 2015

"There were 22 hikers on the Twisted Sister Trail, January 4th.  The rain held off long enough for us to complete this very scenic hike.  Unusual rock formations greeted us as we began the ascent to the top of the trail.  One formation looks like a storm trooper!"

Stormtrooper Rock
Stormtrooper Rock
Picket Post Hike-A Carin to mark the way-January 18, 2016
Picket Post Hike-A Carin to mark the way-January 18, 2016
Praying Hands - January 25, 2016
Praying Hands - January 25, 2016
Butcher Jones Trail at Saguaro Lake - March 7, 2016
Butcher Jones Trail at Saguaro Lake - March 7, 2016
Hawes Trail on March 21, 2016
Hawes Trail on March 21, 2016
Weaver's Needle from the Peralta Trail-2016
Weaver's Needle from the Peralta Trail-2016
Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
