We organized as the Dreamland Quilters Club in January of 2001. Several of original members have moved out or gone back home to be closer to family, but new members have been added so our membership stays around twenty, give or take a little. Our members make "charity quilts" which are donated to Helen's Hope Chest in Mesa for foster children, the VA Hospital in Phoenix for the veterans and St Vincent DePaul at Christmas. It is a wonderful use of our inventory of scrap fabrics from your donations that help make that possible. Thanks. We invite any of you to come to our meetings on Thursday afternoon at Read Hall at 1:00 PM. Perhaps you too will become interested and will have a new hobby. Contact Becky Lamson who’s phone number can be found in the DVRC phonebook if you have questions.
During our first meeting in January we had election of officers for the year.
Current officers are Becky Lamson president/liaison, Betty Sharpy vice president, Jayne Ripple secretary and Rita Carlson treasure.
Quilters weekly events:
June through August we go to our summer schedule. We will meet on the second and fourth Thursdays from 10:00 am to noon at a member's home. Please contact Becky at the number above for details.
Winter Schedule:
Our second and fourth meetings of the month are normally set aside as a time to work on charity quilts or open sewing. The third week’s meeting is devoted to a special project. Our quilt picture is of a quilt pieced by Faye Miller, quilted by Leslie Starks and binding by various club members. New or prospective members are always welcome.
We welcome your unused quilting fabric and batting. You can contact Quilt Club President Becky Lamson, and she will arrange a time to pick it up or you may drop it off during our weekly quilt meetings at Read Hall on Thursdays from 1:00 - 4:00 PM.
Quilters’ quote of the month: Really I don't dislike to cook, but what you cook is eaten so quickly. When you sew, you have something that will last to show for your efforts. ~Elizabeth Travis Johnson
Remember, people will see your quilts long after you are gone…not your housework!