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Home > Digital Library > Board of Directors Meeting Minutes > 2014 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes > March 11

March 11

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

All present were welcomed by President Patty Thorpe at 9:00 AM.

Open Forum was called for with Shuffleboard Chair Bruce Van Vliet requesting the board provide funding for Diamond grind finishing the 6th remaining shuffleboard court at a cost of $1250  plus $100 annual maintenance costs.  Thirty five players typically use the courts.  This matter will be taken up at the April Study session.  Bruce noted that he shuffleboard crew is handling the rental of the tables for the swap meet March 22 as a fund raiser.
Gus Brown during the last minutes of the meeting spoke in favor of increasing the membership fee.

Pledge of Allegiance was made.  The meeting was then called to order by President Thorpe.

Roll Call of Board Members  revealed the following were present:  Lane Allen, Harry Cole,  Charles Dubbs, Earl Munday, John Pawloski, Patty Thorpe, Gordon Watson, Larry Wilkens, and Lyle Wood.  Absent:  Dan Collins.  It was noted that Wendell Black has formally resigned his board membership.
A quorum was declared to be present.

Board Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2014     Lyle Wood  made a motion to approve.  Second by Lane Allen.  Motion passed.

Study Session Minutes  of March 4, 2014     Lyle Wood made a motion to approve.  Second by Earl Munday.  Motion passed.

Treasurer's Report – Lane Allen    While our current cash position as of Feb 28 looks favorable, our budgeted annual income is down by $27,500 and we have a projected shortfall for the year of $35,000 to $40,000 if we continue normal operations.  The board needs to take action to increase income or reduce expenses or both.  The Treasurer was complimented for his article on our financial condition in the March Citizen. Cost control will be further considered at the April study session.
 Jim Cook was also thanked for his recent articles in the Citizen on “What In It For Me” as a Member of Dreamland Villa..

Administrative Services Manager's Report – Jackie Young      
Twenty escrows have been processed with 7 properties sold, resulting in only 2 members added.  1899 membership cards have been issued and 353 social cards as of February.  The DVCC phone directory has gone to the printers.  Two cacti were reported stolen from the nature trail.  An issue was reported with a belligerent owner on Anaheim St. over lack of payment of the $400 membership fee.

Standing Committee Reports:
•    Maintenance – Harry Cole
The new card readers were installed and are working well.  On 2/23 a suspicious person was arrested near Farnsworth Hall.  Children’s swim hours have become an issue again needing more conspicuous posting.of the approved hours.  Many of our 55+ signs in neighborhoods are being vandalized – citizens need to be on the lookout.  Some projects are being held up by lack of maintenance help. Complete report on file in office.
•    Pool Report  - Harry Cole
There was a discussion of door installation for the pool changing rooms.  There has been some disruption to the Aqua Size classes by a few swimmers.  Nancy Cole offered to look into this situation.
•    Volunteer Report – Donna Zurbay
Thirty nine persons have been recruited to help since the February board meeting.
•    Complaints – Gordon Watson
    5 complaints are still pending from 2012 and 2013.  15 complaints are open for 2014.
•    Entertainment – Harry Cole
Activities are booked through mid April.  Consideration is being given to a new approach to entertainment for the fall since no person has so far been willing to head up the Entertainment committee.  That approach would involve renting out the hall to the entertainers rather than the club booking them at the clubs risk. Harry has previously noted that Dreamland residents generally do not well support the entertainers by their participation, with outside persons mostly attending.

Current plans are to shut down Farnsworth Hall after the April activities and not reopen until the fall as a cost saving measure.  Harry noted that it costs about $3000 a month to keep the hall open.  This means there will be no pickle ball in the hall this summer.
•    Library – Dan Collins  
  No report

•    Hobbies, Crafts & Indoor Activities – Red Westall
Open House went well

•    Outdoor Recreation Activities – Ken Hyink
    Participation is down, possible due to lower membership.  Ken noted a poor response was received to his call for interested horseshoe players.
    Kitchen Committee – Dan Collins
No report
•    Nature Walk – Larry Wilkens
    There will be a nature walk cleanup Wednesday March 12 8:30 AM – meet at Farnsworth Hall.  Chipping will likely be delayed until next fall.

•    Welcoming Committee – Hazel Dubbs
25 invitations were sent and 7 new residents attended the February meeting.  The committee figures 75% of those purchasing new homes have been attending.  Complete report on file.

•    Website Committee – Dorothy Randall
Web site development progress has been going well.  There has been a lot of information shared re the proposed sale of the golf course to develop homes.  It was noted that the Mesa City Council hearing for the golf course has been delayed until May 19.

Dorothy plans to turn over the web site coordination to a new chairperson.

•    Block Watch – Barbara Miller
Block watch window stickers have been ordered for those participating.  Also, 12 street signs are to be placed in strategic locations where block watch exists.

•    Sheriff’s Posse – Commander John Pawloski
Several new posse members have been recruited.  No major crime in neighborhoods.  Tickets will be issued for parking on sidewalks.

•    Open House Committee Final Report: - John Pawloski
The February  22 event was felt to go very well with great participation.  130 welcome bags were handed out and 155 hot dogs eaten during lunch at Farnsworth Hall.  Expenses were $900, less than budget.  Complete report on file in office.

New Business:
Fine Art show – Patty Thorpe

A request from the Art Department for the board to remove rental and set-fee for the Annual Fine Art Show at Farnsworth Hall on March 29, 2014 was approved with a motion be Harry Cole and second by Larry Wilkens.

Suggestion Form – Earl Munday
Earl has developed a suggestion form for all residents to input their suggestions for improvement with ‘Earl to coordinate the review and responses where appropriate.  A box will be place in the office and the web site will also carry the form.  This idea will be implemented with a motion by Lane Allen to adopt and second by Charles Dubbs.  Motion passed.
Old Business:
Notary – Lane Allen
It costs $110 to set up a notary with $25 annual renewal.  Discussion ensued whether providing the service to members was desirable with other notary sources available at banks, etc and the limited resources in the office to handle such a service.  Lane Allen then offered to personally provide this service and to set up office hours for it to be available to members only at no cost starting in the fall.  Non members will be charged a fee to be set by Lane Allen.  Set up costs to be provided by the club.  A motion to adopt this service as outlined above was made by Lyle Wood with a second by Lane Allen.  A tie vote resulted with the president voting for the motion ending in adopting it by a 5 to 4 majority..

Cell Tower – Lane Allen
Limited discussion resulted in this subject being returned to the April study session for consideration.

Outside Weed Control – John Pawloski
Contractors have been contacted for bids

Outside Pool Service - John Pawloski
Bids are being solicited to compare with cost of in-house support.

Adjournment at 10:12 AM with announcement of an executive meeting to follow.

Submitted by Lyle Wood, Secretary

Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
