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Home > Digital Library > Board of Directors Meeting Minutes > 2014 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes > Board Meeting - April 8, 2014

Board Meeting - April 8, 2014

All present were welcomed by President Patty Thorpe at 9:00 AM.

President Thorpe made announced before the open forum that she received complaints about a social member being at a membership meeting. Ms. Thorpe brought up that this social member use to be a member and was once a board member who was put on a committee. Without knowing this person could no longer be on committee because his status changed from membership to social membership, she announced that she rectifi ed the problem. As for having the social member stay for the meeting she could fi nd no rules or regulations that kept social members away from the membership meetings. She asked if there were any official objections to the social member staying for the meeting, there were none.

Open forum was called for and the following were brought forward:
Joan Jehle, member #423 Wanted to thank the board for doing their best to uphold the by-laws and working with the community.
Bruce Van Vliet, member #226 Reported that they had a swap meet March 22, 2014 and raised over $300.00. He also wanted to thank all those who helped during that time.
Pledge of Allegiance was made. The meeting was then called to Order by President Patty Thorpe.

Roll Call of Board Members by Carol Cooper revealed those present were: Lane Allen, Harry Cole, Carol Cooper, Sara D’Spain, Cyn Munday, Earl Munday, John Pawloski Sr.; John Sabbagh; Patricia Thorpe, Larry Wilkens, Lyle Wood Absent: None

March 11, 2014 Board Minutes Lyle Wood made a motion to approve the minutes it was second by Earl Munday. Motion passed.

April 1st, 2014 Study Session Minutes Received the Study Session minutes late last night and Madam President requested that they be moved for approval at the next meeting so all board members had a chance to review them.

Treasurer’s Report – Lane Allen reported balances on a spreadsheet which was passed out that shows income and expenses for March and Year to Date. A balance sheet for March 31, 2014 along with Revenue and Expenses for March were provided. Financial report on file.

Administrative Services Manager’s Report – Jackie Young reported 21 Escrow requests were processed. 14 homes were sold of those 5 became members. 1934 Membership cards and 366 Social cards have been issued. The DVCC Phone Directory will be delivered by next week. Surveys were mailed out and the office has begun seeing them returned.

2013 Financial review/Audit Report – Steve Dinsmore reported on the audit review through December 31, 2013. They found a few changes regarding tax forms and reporting. Mr. Dinsmore reviewed the Balance sheet of December 31, 2013 with the Board. A reminder of 1099 for Entertainment receiving $600.00 or more. Depreciable items would start at $1,000 dollars. It was found that because of paying a large amount of attorney fees in the past we show a loss of $1,300 per month and without the attorney fees the club would show a gain of $2,600 a month. Conclusion that the club can cut just so much in expenses and that it will need to generate more income to survive.
Madam President will get a copy of the report to all Board Members.

Standing Committee Reports:
Maintenance – Earl Munday: Farnsworth Keys were made. Someone parked a travel trailer on back parking lot, which was removed. Inspection was done. Window stops were installed to meet code.
Pool Report – Earl Munday: 3 maintenance people on hand. Because maintenance staff is so low safety and cleaning will remain priority.
Complaints – Earl Munday: 28 open complaints to date and half of them deal with weeds. One complaint dealt with underage living in a home and multi vehicles as well as another complaint dealt with fruit on the ground.
Entertainment – Harry Cole: The last entertainment will be Showcase Theater this Saturday at 7 and will be $5.00. Will also have one more pot luck and one more pancake breakfast before breaking for the summer. Harry Cole pointed out that the last event was held at the Band Shell and about 50 people were there and out of the 50 only one board member. He felt that if we don’t show support how do we expect our members to show support.
Library – John Pawloski Volunteer Hours were 114; Number of Patrons were 127; Books Borrowed were 533; and Librarian Hours were 43.5. The summer hours will start in May. The Library will be open on Wednesday mornings 10 to noon and the first and third Saturdays from 10 to noon. They will start rotating art display by the photography club and the art club. They also have a coffee lounge.
Hobbies, Crafts & Indoor Activities – Red Westall: None to report.
Outdoor Recreation – Open – No report
Kitchen Committee – Dan Collins Madam President reported that Dan Collins resigned as a Board Member but wishes to continue on the Kitchen Committee. He was not available to make a report.
Nature Walk – Larry Wilkens: Chipping will begin at 7 a.m. on April 9th. Set of 2 benches have been complete and will be set this week. Plants are in place and memorandum plaques will be put in this week.
Welcoming Committee – Cyn Munday: No meeting due to people leaving, for the summer.
Website Committee – Cyn Munday: No report and everything is going well.
Block Watch – Barbara Miller: Decals were ordered. Twelve street signs were ordered and hopefully they will work out with DLV signs and be put up at the same time. Barbara reports another session will take place at her house as she has a few more people interested in being Captain of blocks.
Volunteer Report – Jackie Young for Donna Zurbay: Volunteers were 6 for April line dancing; 16 for office help and 20 for April pancake breakfast. Total number needed was 42
Sheriff’s Posse – Commander John Pawloski, Sr.: No crime to report for the month of March. Thanked everyone for the annual contributions Fund Drive. They have purchased 2 new Posse cars and they will be put into service in 1 or 2 weeks. There are two older vehicles that will be put out of service. The Posse asked the Board to give them exclusive use of the previous office location (which is located in what use to be the carport of the library building).
Earl Munday mentioned, and John Pawloski confirmed that all posse expenses, including the two new cars, are paid for by posse funds and do not come out of DVCC budget.
Larry Wilkins made a motion to let the Posse use the previous location in the library. No one seconded. Discussion was brought forward. It was decided to bring this issue at the next study session.
Misc: Lane Allen reminded all that Irene will be leaving the office over the summer effective May 1st and that he asked all board members not to impose on Jackie Young, Office Manager.

Old Business:
Closing Farnsworth Hall for the summer – Earl Munday: Earl Munday made a motion to close Farnsworth Hall after the pancake breakfast and reopen it mid-October. Seconded by: Lane Allen
Open for discussion. There was a lengthy discussion that followed this motion. It involved Pickle Ball use; everything leaning toward winter visitors; other events taking place, availability of personnel, key cards shut out, and more.
Amendment to the motion was made by Larry Wilkens: Open Farnsworth Hall for Pickle Ball players not utilizing air condition. Motion was seconded by Rev. John Sabbagh. Discussion continued regarding cleaning, bathrooms, etc. Vote was made by the Board on the Amendment to the motion. 4 was in favor 6 oppose opening Farnsworth Hall. Motion failed
Vote was made by the Board on the Main motion. 9 were in favor and 1 oppose in closing the hall through the summer. Motion passed.
Review Policy and Procedure Revised Document – Larry Wilkens: Larry made a motion that Amend the Administrative policy and procedure payment plan, dues, club initiation fees, and other assessments where we have added Membership Card shall be issued to Members upon signing a payment plan added to February Document. Earl Munday seconded it. After a lengthy discussion it was decided that since all board members received their copies at a late date and time and did not have time to review the changes, that this topic would be moved back to the study session next month and voted on at the May meeting.
DVCC Signs – Earl Munday: Earl made a motion to buy 12 DVCC signs. John Pawloski, Sr. seconded the motion. Cost of signs will be $200.00. CFR requires certain wording, that wording will apply to DVCC signs.
All in favor in buying the signs raise your hands. All in favor. Motion passed
Questionnaire Update – Lane Allen: Mr. Allen passed out a summary of the Questionnaires that were sent out to members. Over a 100 surveys returned at this time. It was reviewed and discussed by the board. When all the results are received it will be brought up at the general meeting.
Order Hot Tub Pool Covers for Fall - Earl Munday: Mr. Munday made a motion to purchase 2 bubble style hot tub covers at a cost of approximately $120. To see if the club could save energy money. Sara D’Spain seconded. Mr. Munday explained the pro’s and con’s of two types of pool covers. He suggested that the board try covering the hot tubs first and see if the club can see a significant savings before considering covers for the pools. The bubble cover would cost 120.00 the foam black cover would be 1800.00 dollars. Lane Allen called for an Amendment to the motion, Lyle Woods Seconded. John Palowski, made an Amendment motion to go with the better covers at a cost not to exceed $2000. Vote for the amendment motion 6 in favor, opposed 4. Next the motion as amended was voted on. Vote passed.
General Meeting in November 11, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. – Earl Munday: At study session we established about having a meeting in November with the general public. This meeting will be for all members and non-members. The Membership meeting will be held in December.
Lyle Wood made a motion to have an Informational General Membership Meeting on November 11th 2014 at Farnsworth Hall at 2:00 p.m. to inform members and residents the results of all the resident surveys, review the clubs finances, discuss current issues before the board and actions being taken; and set the date of December 2, 2014 for a special Membership meeting to vote on the dues proposed for 2015 pursuant to the Bylaws Article XII.
There was more discussion on what to put in the information and it was decided to table the motion and take this subject back to the Friday Ad-hoc Meeting.
Attorney Eric Jackson and Market Staff will be here Thursday, 4/10 at 2:00 p.m.
Patty Thorpe invited the Board to attend if they would like to. He is bringing his staff to tour DLV and see if his staff can give the Board new ideas as to what can be done to improve our situation regarding financial and HOA issues. This will be at no charge.
Attorney Eric Jackson regarding HOA – Patty Thorpe: At this time Mr. Jackson has invited the Board for lunch at his office to answer any questions the Board may have. If you are interested Ms. Thorpe will get the information to us. Lyle Wood informed the audience the substance of the letter. Basically it said based on the last settlement that there is no chance for a HOA.

New Business:
National Bank of Arizona check signing document change to: Patricia Thorpe, Lane Allen, Harry Cole, John Pawloski Sr, Sara D’Spain and Carol Cooper. – Patty Thorpe
It was brought up by Madam President, Patty Thorpe, that the check signatures need to be updated and changed with the present board members for the fiscal years of 2014 - 2015. A vote was taken by all Board members and was passed unanimously.
Adjournment at 11:40 a.m following a motion by Earl Munday and second seconded by Lane Allen.
Motion passed.

Submitted by Carol Cooper, Secretary

Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
