The Art Room is looking forward to reopening for open painting. New Classes will begin in November.
Continuing in the fall will be:
THURSDAY – 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm– PAINTING ROCKS WORKSHOP – Valerie Vallelunga.
She includes paint and 1 rock in her workshop. Class is $2.00 per class.
Next fall we are looking to add a flower arranging class. We are also looking for crafts or workshops that can be offered. If anyone has a Saturday workshop to offer people who work, please contact Alicia to discuss times and details on what is needed.
So far three people are interested, so we will hold the class. This class will be only for those who wish to learn beginning watercolor. Instructions and demos will be given for the wet in wet, the dry brush, glazing techniques and ink sketches, and watercolor. Students will complete a simple watercolor painting after initial instruction is given.
This class will be given on Tuesday afternoons – from 1 pm to 3:30 pm starting November 7 and will run for 5 weeks. A fee of $30 will be charged to cover some expenses but students will need their own supplies. A list of needed supplies can be obtained from Alicia Short, contact info below.
If there is any interest in a Saturday class for beginning watercolor, it may be offered as well. Please contact Alicia at the email address below if interested.
Monday afternoon – 1 pm classes beginning November 6th will be for acrylic mixed media and a charge of $30 will apply. Instructions on using a variety of acrylic mixed media and collage items will be the focus of this class.
Wednesday afternoon – 1 pm beginning November 8th classes will be for any media for those who are somewhat experienced painters. Minimal instruction will be included so this class will not have a charge. This will be offered starting the first week of November for 5 weeks.
There is a possibility of a flower arranging class, we will have information on that later.
We are looking to have some new and different classes for our DVRC members. If you have a fun craft or art technique you would like to share, please contact Alicia at [email protected]
The Art Department came into existence in 1976. At one time there were over 100 members enrolled in the classes which, in the early days, also included sculpture and sand painting. Today we offer classes in oil, watercolor, acrylic, and palate knife painting as well as sketching, collage and monoprint. We also sponsor workshops with artists from around the Phoenix area.