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Home > Digital Library > Board of Directors Meeting Minutes > 2012 Board Meeting Minutes > Board Meeting Minutes - May 8, 2012

Board Meeting Minutes - May 8, 2012

There was no open forum. Ten members were present at the meeting. Lyle Wood, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Board members present: Wendall Black, Jim Cook, Judy Ford, Agnes Forsyth, Doris Gruner, Steve Holleque, Mary Kirk, Frances Skaggs, Patricia Thorpe, Gordon Watson, Gloria Wilson-White and Lyle Wood Excused were Jerald Westall and Larry Wilkens.

Wendall Black made a motion to approve April 3, 2012 study session minutes. Second by Dodie Gruner. Motion passed. A motion was made to correct the statement referring to the pool temperature. The minutes should have read – the heat will be turned off after five days of 80 degree night time temperatures, not ground temperature. Motion was made by Lyle Wood to approve the April 10, 2012 directors meeting, second by Dodie Gruner. Motion passed.

May 1,2012 Study Session- The time for the ice cream social was incorrectly stated. It will be held from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Motion made to approve as amended by Agnes Forsyth, second by Frances Skaggs. Motion passed.

Treasures Report- Patty Thorpe- A copy of the balance sheet and revenues and expenses were distributed. We had an estimated revenues of $390,941.00. So far, we have received $345,692.03. We are short $45,249.00 as of the end of April. All expenses need to be carefully examined.

Vice Presidents Report – Lyle Wood – A request was made of Charles Dubbs to make a monthly E-mail report, including the expense report, to all board members during the summer months. This will be the last formal meeting until October. The open house for next year will be held on January 20, 2013.

Standing Committee Reports -
Maintenance – Steve Holleque – No report from the superintendent of maintenance. The treadmill in the exercise room has been repaired.

Pool Committee - No report.

Membership – Agnes Forsyth – No report.

Complaints – Gordon Watson – There are 68 complaints on file. 33 were sent to county. 29 closed. Most complaints are for weeds and barking dogs.

Entertainment – Judy Ford – Judy will be meeting with the Mesa Concert Band on Thursday . They have expressed and interest in using Farnsworth Hall for their practice sessions. Judy is still working with the Cowboy Impersonators to do a show. More on that later. Also a Wii game has been donated to be used in Farnsworth Hall in conjunction with the ice cream socials.

Library – Agnes Forsyth – The library is now on summer hours until September 5. They weill be open on Wednesday from 10:00 till 12:00 and the first and third Saturdays. In April 419 books were checked out. A book drop is also available.

Contract committee – Lyle Woods – Lighting contracts were signed and are ready to go forth. A cost for Reid Hall will be $4500.00 and $3899.00 for Farnsworth. We should recover the cost over a period of 2 years. This awaits approval by the bankruptcy court.

Outdoor Activity Report – Ralph Shirey – Activities have dropped off for the summer. The pools are always used and pickleball will continue throughout the summer. Pickleball will now start at 7:30 a.m. There is a great choice of outdoor activities such as hiking, bocce ball, pool exercise classes, and pickleball.

Nature Clean Up Walk – Postponed until fall.

Welcoming Committee – Hazel Dubbs – There will be a welcoming and orientation meeting held on Thursday evening.

Website Committee – Dorothy Randall – No postings of documents will be on the website without prior approval.

Old Business -
The figures for the retro-fit lighting are available. This has been board approved and awaiting approval from the bankruptcy court. A policy and procedure change was brought forth previously, which should have been a rules change in regard in garbage can placement. Jim Cook stated that the wording should be trash cans, when not placed for pick up by a trash removal company, must be stored within a carport or garage or behind the front wall of the dwelling. Trash cans when placed for pick up by a trash removal company, shall be placed in the street next to the resident’s property line and as close to the curb as possible. A motion by Jim Cook to approve – second by Judy Ford. Motion carried.

New Business -
Violation of membership Lyle Wood – We need to address the procedure to approach people who are in violation. Perhaps a letter could be sent to the party in question, stating they are in violation of the rules. A motion was made by Patty Thorpe to have an ad hoc committee to oversee that memberships are not being violated. Jim Cook seconded. Motion not approved.

Judy Ford made a motion for Red Westall, President of the board, to write a letter of apology to the Ron Byers family within 30 days. Jim Cook seconded. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary Kirk, secretary.

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Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
