Winter - Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Summer - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
The Lapidary Shop is open to all Dreamland Villa residents with an active kee card. Both men and women are welcome. If you are interested in cutting some rocks and seeing what you can make, come by the shop at Read Hall any Monday through Friday 8:00 - 11:30 AM and see what is available.
The Lapidary Shop is fully equipped with two 24” slab saws, one 16” slab saw, two 10” trim saws, and four bench grinders for the grinding and shaping of slabs. We have two Cabochon grinding machines that can make beautiful pendents. We have a large tumbler and a flat lap machine. We also have two faceting machines that can make gemstones. Faceting is a very labor intensive and nerve wrecking endeavor and is not for the impatient. However, if you have the patience and the desire, it can be done. We have one person who does faceting right now.
The crew from the shop also collects aluminum cans for recycling. The bin in the north parking lot at Read Hall is for aluminum beer and pop cans only. Since 2000, the shop has collected funds from this activity and the club is now using 100% of these funds for the operation and maintenance of the Lapidary Shop.